O2 Sponsor Finance provides Senior Secured Credit Facilities to Support Mangrove Equity Partners acquisition of A&R Sealcoating

O2 Sponsor Finance provides Senior Secured Credit Facilities to Support Mangrove Equity Partners acquisition of A&R Sealcoating
O2 Sponsor Finance, a division of Old Second National Bank, today announced that it provided senior secured credit facilities to support Mangrove Equity Partners in its acquisition of A&R Sealcoating LLC, a Southeast Michigan-based leading provider of pavement repair and maintenance solutions.
Founded in 1985 by Rocky Ricelli and headquartered in Waterford, Michigan, A&R is a leading provider of maintenance and repair pavement solutions for commercial and residential end markets. Since its founding, A&R has grown to become Michigan's largest pure pavement maintenance provider, offering asphalt sealcoating, asphalt patching, joint and crack sealing, striping, and concrete repair services to a diverse and highly recurring base of customers.
Read full press release here.