AAVIN Capital completes investment to support the purchase of Amity Die & Stamping, LLC

AAVIN Capital completes investment to support the purchase of Amity Die & Stamping, LLC
AAVIN Capital III, LP announced it has completed an investment to support the purchase of Amity Die & Stamping, LLC.
Founded in 1943 to manufacture required components for WWII military surplus, Amity is a one-stop-shop provider of tooling designs, precision stampings, and value-added assemblies.
Today Amity focuses on engineering, designing, and producing miniature to medium size stampings in their 50,000 square foot facility. Amity services all types of industries and provides a lifetime tooling guarantee. Amity's dedication to their customer service has enabled the Company to maintain customer relationships for over 30 years.
AAVIN has partnered with Capital for Business and Kansas Venture Capital, Inc. on this deal. Both the current President and Chief Purchasing Officer, Glen and Brian Westphal, are committed to their roles and continuing the drive for growth and profitability within the Company.
AAVIN Private Equity is a Cedar Rapids, Iowa - based private equity firm that manages $275 million in three separate funds, two of which are SBIC funds. AAVIN invests in lower middle market businesses across the US with solid financial backgrounds and $1.5 - $5 million of EBITDA. Investments typically range from $3 million to $12 million of mezzanine debt and equity securities.