SBIC Regulations Training Class:
“Congratulations, You Are Licensed. Now What?”
The updated SBIC Program Regulations Training Class curriculum covers applying for an SBIC license, as well as how to comply with the Small Business Administration's (SBA) regulations and reporting once licensed. This day-long class includes modules on the 2023 Revisions to SBIC Regulations.
Created by the Small Business Investment Act of 1958, the Small Business Investment Company (SBIC) Program has a long history of success helping small U.S. businesses access long-term, patient capital for growth and job creation. The program is administered by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA).
Course modules will include an introduction to the SBIC program, defining key terms and sources of funds, identifying conflicts of interest, qualifying an investment, structuring the investment, managing the SBIC and more.
Please note that registration for this class is limited to 2 members per firm.
8:00 am - Registration Opens & Networking Breakfast8:45 am - Opening & Welcome9:00 am - Congrats, You're Licensed - Sources of Funds, Key SBA Concerns, Guardrail Issues - Conflicts of Interest12:15 pm - Networking Lunch1:30 pm - Qualifying an Investment, Structuring the Investment, Managing the SBIC, New Opportunities and Open Discussion4:30 pm - Program Concludes
*Anticipated faculty to include SBA regulators and others. Specific topics and modules remain subject to change.
SBIA Member: $550
Non-Member: $650
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